Safeguarding and key people you can talk to:
Keeping our children safe is our number one priority. We have many elements to our safeguarding support and procedures. You can find more information about our approach to safeguarding as a Trust at:
If you have any concerns about the safety of your child, yourself, or another child, please contact a member of staff listed below.
Designated Safeguarding Lead: Jessica Evans
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead: Merryn Chestney
Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) checks (previously CRB checks)
Since March 2002, the Criminal Records Bureau (renamed as the Disclosure and Barring Service in December 2012), has enabled employers to check the criminal records of employees, potential employees and volunteers, in order to ascertain whether or not they are suitable to work with vulnerable adults and children. For individuals working and helping with children, a valid DBS disclosure is a legislative requirement.
The Disclosure and Barring Service also manage lists of individuals who are barred from working with children and adults. New safeguarding regulations introduced in October 2009 place an obligation on employers, social services and professional regulators to notify the DBS of relevant information. This obligation ensures that individuals who pose a threat to vulnerable groups can be barred from working with them. It also makes it a criminal offence for barred individuals to apply to work with these groups and for employers to knowingly employ them.
The requirements for DBS Disclosures and the different levels vary from organisation to organisation, depending on the sector and the employees’ individual job role.
For anyone wishing to volunteer, or new members of staff, please contact the school office and they will give you the information about how to obtain a DBS. It’s not as difficult as it sounds and most certificates are now issued within 10 working days!
E-safety Statement
At St Mary’s CE VC Primary School we are committed to the use of computer technologies and recognise the Internet as a valuable tool for learners of all ages. We acknowledge that computers and the Internet do have the potential for inappropriate use and access to undesirable material and that we have a duty of care to protect our pupils.
All pupils use computer facilities, including the Internet, as an essential part of the curriculum and to support learning opportunities within the school. There are well publicised concerns regarding access to materials on the Internet that would be unsuitable for pupils. The school takes reasonable steps to minimise the access to unsuitable material by ensuring supervised usage of the Internet alongside a filtered Internet service provider which prevents access to specific Internet sites.
For more information about e-safety, or any other safeguarding issue, please see the information board by the school office, or use the links below.
Prevent Duty
In July 2015, the Government published advice for Governing bodies, school leaders and school staff. The advice explained what the Prevent Duty means for school and how schools should demonstrate compliance with the duty.
The Prevent Duty is part of the school’s safeguarding procedures and practices.
The leaflet at the bottom of this page has been created by Dorset on preventing terrorism and radicalisation within our communities.
Downloads & Useful Links
Dorset Prevent LeafletSafeguarding & Child Protection Policy 2024-25