
We strongly encourage the wearing of school uniform at Thorncombe St Mary's School. We believe that our uniform looks smart, provides a sense of equality, belonging and pride. It is also less hassle for parents!

Key points:

  •  promotes a sense of pride in the school
  •  engenders a feeling of community and belonging
  •  is practical and smart
  •  identifies the children with the school
  • is not distracting in class (as fashion/street wear clothes might be)
  •  makes children feel equal to their peers in terms of appearance


Please find details on our uniform in the policy attached below:

Thorncombe St Marys - Uniform Policy 22-23


Where to buy uniform:

All items with the school logo/colours are available to purchase through My Clothing or Cupine Embroidery. The school will make every effort to ensure these items are of reasonable quality and an affordable price. The remainder of the uniform is available from most high street stores. There is a second hand preloved uniform rail in the entrance to school for an optional donation.

Pupils eligible for Pupil Premium are able to claim some free uniform. Please ask at the office for details.

Cupine Embroidery

My Clothing