First Federation Trust is the admissions authority for its member schools, responsible for the admissions policies and decisions on applications for admission.
We have an admissions policy for each academic year and they will be published on this page when they are proposed for consultation and after they have been determined annually. They are written to comply with the School Admissions Code 2021 and School Admissions Appeals Code 2022.
The local governing body plays an active part in the admissions process.
We currently offer education to a wide range of age groups from Pre-School (2yrs) to Year 6 (10-11yrs).
Attending Thorncombe St Mary's CE Primary Academy
We encourage both parents and pupils to visit the school to see our facilities, our staff and our pupils. Please call the school office on 014609 30515 or email to arrange a visit at a convenient time for your family. We also run an annual Open Day and these are advertised locally, but individual visits are welcomed throughout the year.
Our admissions are administered by Dorset Council. Please see the link below to Dorset School Admissions. Further admissions and general information on schools for parents and carers is available on the Dorset Council website.
Transferring to Secondary School
Most of our children transfer to The Woodroffe School, but some choose to transfer to Beaminster School, Sir John Colfox and Colyton Grammar School. We have close links with The Woodroffe School and a full transition programme exists to enable children to make the move with ease and confidence. Parents will need to complete their secondary school application here:
Dorset transferring to secondary school
In-Year Admissions
If you are planning to move your child during the year then all applications must be made in line with Dorset LA’s admission scheme. Further information and application forms are available from the Local Authority admissions team on 01305 221060 or on their website:
View Dorset Council's in year application
The admission limit for each year group is 12. Where the number of applicants exceeds places available, the allocation of those places is made according to the criteria set out in our Admissions Policy.
Admission appeals timetable for entry in September 2023
Link to Dorset County Council Admissions Appeals Timetable
School Admission Appeals will be processed in line with the requirements set out in the School Admissions Appeals Code. Below is a timetable that sets out key dates for the appeals process, focussing on September 2023 entry. Key information has also been provided that sets out how in-year appeals will be dealt with.
Primary Phase Timetable and Deadlines
Offer letters posted to parents and carers on National Offer Day by Local Authority |
17 April 2023 |
Deadline for acceptance of the offer by parents and carers |
2 May 2023 |
Deadline for lodging an on-time admission appeal |
19 May 2023 |
Appealing hearing dates |
Between 20 June and 19 July 2023